Saturday, September 29, 2012
I had enough of all these. Being banded with the bottom 20% for most of the subjects, night study almost every prelim, at home crazy people just don't understand and don't give me any chance. You want me to get good results, but complain to me almost every time I get my tuition fee from you. Just ONE tuition and you complain. You think I want to take up tuition for another subject?! Forget it la, do badly then do badly, I will not ask for tuition again.
People are getting good progress award certificates on Graduation Day, what's the point of you going when I did so badly?! And it's the both of you. I told you don't go means don't go, can you fking listen to me for once. You are making me stress and feel so helpless man.
I hate you seriously.

Sunday, September 09, 2012
Most of the time I will be typing in my phone, then upload when I am free because if I type in my browser it'll take forever.
Finally!! Mom is confirming the dates which she will be taking her leave so we can attend cousin's wedding! Yay! After 3 years we are going back! Last time it was 7 years. One of my older cousin asked me this which was quite sad: 7年才回来一次,下次见面要等7年啊.. So sad. T.T 这次不用7年了!
It's hard for us to go back every year. Unlike my mom's friends, they go back every year without fail. Dad is forever busy with his students and his holiday intensive lessons. Mom's company always have those year end sales, Christmas sales etc that need people to help out. Sigh. We go back also nothing to do, because the cousins will busy with their jobs, studies. Our holiday time = the beginning of their new term. = = So we won't see one another...
Yay! So we are going back this Dec! I'm worried about the clothing.. I don't wanna wear what I wore 3 years ago. Because it was a short visit and we were all in a hurry, I did not bring enough shirts, and was wearing my aunt's coat. And I wore the retarded fat jeans!! Arghhhh!! Horrible..
I'm really saving up to get some appropriate winter clothes ummm from Esprit or Topshop? At least one nice coat for the wedding? I don't care I'm buying one.
Right now, the most important thing is O levels. I'm studying hard! Must go back, enjoy, and have fun. Let's not have regret after O's for not studying enough. Jia you jia you!
All the way! Go Rong! ¦D

Saturday, September 01, 2012
Okay.. I should go study now. Geoggggggggg time! :D