Saturday, September 01, 2012

He's very handsome right OMG. But he's quite old already. 29 I think. :( So you no chance liao. HAHA. No, is MEEE I don't have chance liao. Sigh.

Okay I haven't been blogging for so long I forgot when I last blogged because yea you know, we sec 4s are getting real busy with prelim. I don't know why but I always feel the stress only when it is one or two days before the real thing, if not I just relax.. NO THIS WON'T DO. Like English oral, I actually felt nervous when my name was called by the teacher to get ready for the 10 min preparation. I'm a bit lag. o.O

(Why am I posting pretty pictures?) Someone is treating me Starbucks if I do well for Prelim III. I believe he said it because he is super confident I can't do it. :\ Yea duh, 5A2s. I can't even get 5B4s now. 10 more days to the first paper. Rong jia you jia you!! 

Did some house work today. Yipppppeeee. Feel energetic cus I drank 2 cups of coffee today. One for breakfast (and it's super bitter cus my mom loves the 50% less sugar one, she's crazy) and one Mocha Frappe. Hehehe frappe again. FRAPPE FOR THE WIN! ^^ 

Well last night they quarrelled again. He's not happy about her talking about his bad points in front of the kids. Bro went back into his room immediately when he sensed the tense atmosphere, leaving me in the living room with them. I was watching my favourite show when it all started. I knew I should not hide, my aunt called last month telling me to stay with them when this kind of thing happen, so I did.

One was pushing the blame to an outsider, the other one was taking all the blame to himself. Sigh. The things they were scolding each other were totally NO LINK. They were scolding different things, not scolding each other. They just kept arguing over different things..... In the end, he came to a conclusion that everything will end next week.

Oh my god....

WHAT END?! What the hell are you two thinking about?! WTF. You two fight, quarrel, scold, happily end it yourselves, and leave all the shit to us kids? Do you care how we feel? Not the outsider's fault! It's both of you's fault! 

Yea so I ate with her tonight. I gave all the advice I could give, trying to sort everything out as someone who's not involved in this. I tried to make assumptions about what could have really happened, and what might not have happened and it was her own thoughts. I hope she's not gonna tell me "choose who you're gonna live with" again because I hate that. I HATE TO HEAR THAT.

I am glad she's happier now. And she promised to apologise later. She told me that if they quarrel again, I should go back to my room and don't bother. No, I will not do that. I want to prove that I'm old enough to solve this for them. There must be someone there to tell them to SHUT UP before they become more angry and more hurtful words come out. When you're angry, you tend to say more hurtful words and purposely wanna make your opponent angry. And they are both hurting someone they love the most..

Okay.. I should go study now. Geoggggggggg time! :D